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Just a bunch of helpful links :-)




  • ADAC Rettungskarte für KZF - ADAC rescue card, which can give rescuers important information about your car in the event of a car accident
  • Make my drive fun - Enter your driving route and explore sights, destinations and more
  • - Fun web apps
  • Supercook - Enter your ingredients and get recipe suggestions


  • - Compare salaries of different companies
  • Glassdoor - Compare salaries of different companies

Company creation and idea finder


Since sports and exercise have become more and more important in times of home office during the Corona pandemic, I have compiled a few links with free info and instructions

  • TheFitness.Wiki - Wiki of fitness and weightroom Reddit communities with different exercises / plans (e.g. muscle building or weight loss).
  • Reddit Bodyweight Fitness Wiki - Wiki of the bodyweight fitness Reddit community where it’s all about exercise without additional equipment - so anyone can do it (as long as you have some space on the floor for the exercises)
  • MuscleWiki - Beautiful graphics and instructions on how to train specific muscle groups
  • Examine Protein Intake Guide - Guide how many of which protein you need for gaining muscles